Thursday, March 26, 2015

The Intenders Newsletter - March 2015

March 2015

Table of Contents

~Our New Intenders Website!
~Group Upliftment/Ascension Templates
~A Timely Word from our Intenders guide, Lee Ching
~Josa's Vision for Non-Verbal Communication
~Castenada's Chant
~Linda's Vision for Our Sustainability
~The Intenders Handbook in Bulk

Our New Intenders Website!

The last three months have been a joy for us because we've been building a completely new look and functionality for Our Intenders website at first thing you will notice is a brand new 3 minute YouTube introducing The Intenders. We've also added several new pages including Manifestation Stories, About Us, Intenders Staff pages, new Freebies and much more. We feel confident that our new website is much better organized now. It is our intention to make it as easy as possible for you to access all the information you need to empower and uplift yourself. read more...

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