Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The Law of Agreement

"One day, in the near future – in our lifetimes – we will stand together in awe of what we have witnessed. For we will have taken part in the most extraordinary transformational experience available to anyone, in any dimension, in any size or shape of body, in any world, anywhere.

And we will have remembered why we came here. For, in rising from the darkest depths of despair to the highest of heights, there is no experience in all of creation that we could have chosen to be a part of that is as good as this one."

You have known before you came here
that there would be a time
when you would be called upon.
It is a time for you to follow Spirit without
hesitation and to live in the light on a daily basis.
That time, which you have long awaited,
has come.

Extract from The Law of Agreement by Tony Burroughs

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