Wednesday, November 26, 2014

The Intenders Newsletter - October 2014

The Intenders Highest Light House Newsletter

Table of Contents

~Staying Positive Around Toxic Thoughts
~Era of Peace Visions
~The Law of Agreement
~An Awakened Empowered Community

Many of us are seeing the results of staying positive in our daily lives, and yet we still have to stay on guard for what the masters and mystics throughout the ages have called mental poisoning. We're finding out that poisons are not just of a physical nature but are also of a mental nature. We see the physical toxins in our foods and our environment - and we do our best to avoid these things - but up until recently we haven't seemed to pay as much attention to the mental toxins which can do us just as much harm as any physical substance.  read more...

Please sign up for the Intenders Newsletter to have it delivered right to your email inbox. 

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