Wednesday, November 26, 2014

The Intenders Newsletter - September 2014

The Intenders Highest Light House Newsletter

Table of Contents

~First We Think It, And Then It Happens
~A Vision for Truth~Get What You Want
~A Vision for the Sacred Reverence for Life
~Community: The Perfect Tool For Bringing People Together
~Making Intentions Around Your Body and Your Food

First we think it, and then it happens. That's the way life works. Unfortunately, that's not what we were taught in school or by our parents. We were taught everything but this oh-so valuable piece of information because if we were to find out that our thoughts come first and then we see the manifestations of them we would not be as programmable and we would be free to create the reality of our own choice. We would be free. read more...

Please sign up for the Intenders Newsletter to have it delivered right to your email inbox. 

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